Act of Consecration to the holy family
O Jesus, our most loving Savior! Thou Who wast sent down from Heaven to enlighten the world by Thy teaching and example, and Who didst will to pass the greater part of Thy holy life in Nazareth, subject to Mary and Joseph, and thereby didst hallow the household which was to be the pattern for all Christian families, do Thou in Thy goodness receive our household which this day consecrates itself to Thee. Protect and guard us, strengthen us in Thy holy fear, establish in our hearts the peace and concord of Christian Charity, so that each one of us, becoming like to the Divine Model of Thy Family, may be sharers of eternal joy.
O Mary, most loving Mother of Jesus Christ and our Mother, through thy love and mercy intercede, that Jesus receive this Act of Consecration, and pour out upon us His graces and blessings.
O Joseph, most holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, help us by thy prayers in all our necessities, both of body and soul; that together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and thyself we shall praise and thank Jesus Christ, our Divine Redeemer. Amen.
Taken from THE PURGATORIAN MANUAL, 1946 with Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur

Consecration to the holy family
O Jesus, behold our family prostrate before Thee. Once more do we consecrate ourselves to Thee, our trials and joys, that our home, like Thine, may ever be the shrine of peace, purity, love, labor and faith. Do Thou protect and bless all of us, absent and present, living and dead.
O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools of the young and their vocations.
O Joseph, Holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by thy prayers in all the necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that special grace which He granted to thee, to watch over our house at the pillow of the sick and the dying, so that Mary and with thee, Heaven may find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.